From small concert venues to stadiums

With the choice of refrains and mastery of language turns, Oleg LSP's compositions, such as «Тело» (Body), «Убийца Свин» (Pig killer), «Бинокль» (Binoculars), «Холостяк» (Bachelor) and «Не нужна» (Doesn't need), became real hits. Every album, track and lyric made him one of the leaders in the world of rap culture. And although Oleg LSP's music is not always positive, it brings listeners important stories about life's obstacles and makes them think. With their diverse audience appeal and exciting live performances, LSP always leave fans with goosebumps and surprise newcomers.

LSP concerts are a real test for the audience, as the artists perform with incredible energy and insight, as if they are ready to die on stage. It certainly causes admiration and leaves an unforgettable impression. At the same time, LSP convincingly conveys its ideas and emotions through its texts, which begin to live a life of their own and become part of the listeners' lives.

Oleg LSP